The sixth and final issue of the Strengthening Families Journal is themed around ‘Sustaining Change for Children and Families’.
The purpose of the Learning Journal is to share insight from the Strengthening Families, Protecting Children (SFPC) Programme, and the changes to systems and practice taking place in local authorities across England. It is intended for professional working in, and in partnership with, children’s social care.
This edition puts a focus on understanding how the positive changes achieved by local authorities participating in the programme can be maintained. We hear from innovators, adoptors, Children’s Social Care leaders and the children and families impacted by the work themselves. Bringing together all these different perspectives, it looks at values and culture change in children’s social care, and approaches to sustaining positive change.
The journal includes new insight and articles covering:
Reflections on five years of the SFPC programme from the Department for Education and programme support partners
Learnings from leaders in Hertfordshire, Leeds and North Yorkshire on the conditions required for long lasting impact
Lessons from No Wrong Door adopters, Rochdale, on their journey of opening ‘Our Place’ in 2020 to achieving an Outstanding Ofsted judgement in 2023
Insights into the award-winning results that Family Valued adopters in Coventry were able to achieve with their reunification project
The benefits of values led work by Wandsworth Council, adopters of Family Safeguarding
Recognition of the benefits of peer-to-peer learning in sustaining change for children and families
SFPC is a five-year Department for Education programme to support local authorities to improve their work with families and safely reduce the number of children entering care by implementing successful three sector-designed innovations – Leeds Family Valued, North Yorkshire No Wrong Door, and Hertfordshire Family Safeguarding. Mutual Ventures is a support partner for the Programme.
Download the Learning Journal from the SCIE website here.