Watch now: From Competition to Collaboration: Lessons for regional working from the fostering programme
‘What gets measured gets managed’ - does this hold true in local family justice systems?
Radical Reformers ep.82: High challenge and high support with Theresa Leavy, Former Executive Director for Children, Dorset Council
‘This is not the end’ – Assessments and Support in Pre-Proceedings
Entering pre-proceedings – Can we still make meaningful changes once the threshold has been met?
Approaching the threshold for proceedings - can we avoid getting there?
Radical Reformers ep.81: Enabling Leadership with Lucy Butler, Director, South East Regional Care Cooperative
Catch up on our webinar: Strengthening Court Work: Regional Workforce Development across the Family Justice System
Family Drug and Alcohol Courts (FDACs): The Case for Investment
Radical Reformers ep.78: The changing role of the council Chief Executive with Donna Hall and Stephen Young
Working together for change – the value of lived experience and co-production
Radical Reformers ep.76: City Turnaround with Tom Riordan
A regional revolution in fostering recruitment
A perfect ten for Fostering Recruitment Hubs!
Introducing MV’s Good Practice Guide – Innovative Solutions Improving Family Court Processes across England
Case Study: Fostering Recruitment & Retention Programme
Tackling the crisis in children’s residential care with local, cooperative solutions
Radical Reformers ep.74: Empowering local public services with Rob Whiteman
Catch up on our webinar: Supporting Families and Children to Navigate Care Proceedings: Learning from Experts by Experience
If we really want to level up? Bring back SureStart