Working With Data
Welcome to the 'Working with Data' training programme, a programme designed to support people working with data day-to-day to become more comfortable using and navigating Microsoft Excel.
On this page, you can view our bite-sized training videos and download training templates that will support you to become more confident and efficient when working with data sets.
These training videos are aimed at people who have a basic knowledge of how to use Microsoft Excel and want to become more comfortable with using, analysing and navigating data. These sessions are delivered in bite-sized videos and each session focuses on a particular element of working with data.
Alongside the training videos are Excel Workbooks with data sets that include practice exercises that allow you to test the skills taught in each video. We recommend that you have the practice data set open to allow you to follow along with the video.
What will you learn?
What will you learn over the four sessions?
1. Everyday formulas to support data analysis
The first session will cover a few basic formulas to help conduct basic analysis on a data set.
2. Navigating big data sets
The second session will focus on sharing tips and shortcuts for moving around and working with big data sets more efficiently.
3. Pulling data together from multiple sources
The third session will be centered on the Vertical Look Up formula to help search for and find data.
4. Building and working with Pivot Tables
The final session will specifically focus on creating and working with Pivot tables to support data analysis.
Welcome and programme introduction
In this introduction video, we give an overview of the programme purpose, audience, structure and training materials.
Everyday formulas to support data analysis
The first session will cover a few key formulas to support basic analysis of data sets. In Part A, we will cover different ways to sum (add) big data sets and how to use Absolute Values in formulas.
In Part B, we will cover some other formulas that will help you analyse your data, including how to find the average, and the highest and lowest values in a data set.
Navigating big data sets
The second session will focus on sharing tips and shortcuts for moving around and working with big data sets more efficiently.
Pulling data together from multiple data sets
The third session will focus on the Vertical Look Up formula (or 'VLOOKUP') to help search for and find data. This is one of the most helpful formulas on Excel.
Building and working with Pivot Tables
The final session explores how to create and use Pivot tables to support your data analysis.