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  • Writer's pictureJordan Binedell

Useful resources from the Strengthening Families national learning event

Updated: Jul 20, 2022

On the 14-15th June, the Department for Education's Strengthening Families Protecting Children (SFPC) Programme held an online national learning event. Over the course of the two days, hundreds of attendees learnt about three innovative models of children's social - Leeds' Family Valued, North Yorkshire’s No Wrong Door and Hertfordshire’s Family Safeguarding.

The event provided a platform for speakers to share their thoughts, experiences and insights into the SFPC models, and bring to life the impact that the models are having. Speakers came from a wide range of professions, including local authority children's services leaders, social workers and other front-line practitioners, alongside families.

Attendees got a chance to learn more detail about the three models from innovator authorities themselves, as well as gaining insight into their implementation from others that have adopted them. Specific topics included Family Group Conferencing from Leeds, Motivational Interviewing from Hertfordshire, and residential Hubs from North Yorkshire.

In addition, cross-programme panel sessions explored topics impacting the whole sector, and included partnership working, workforce and retention and leadership. For example, panel members shared first-hand experience on how the models were helping them with recruitment.

The event was introduced by Children's Minister Will Quince, and concluded with a session with the Chair of The Independent Review of Children's Social Care, Josh MacAlister, and Chief Social Worker for Children and Families, Isabelle Trowler. The final session was a insightful and stimulating Q&A session between Josh MacAlister and Isabelle Trowler, discussing the SFPC Programme and its place within the context of the Care Review's recommendations.

If you missed the event, you can catch up on recording of the sessions and content presented by the speakers here.

To find out more about the SFPC Programme and innovations, check out the SCIE website.


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