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Case Study: NHS @home

Updated: Mar 10, 2022

Client: NHS @home

Challenges faced by the client:

Mutual Ventures was commissioned to provide additional capacity and expertise to the NHS @home programme team to support with the design and delivery of the programme. NHS @home is a nationally-led long-term programme of work providing better connected, more personalised care in people’s homes including care homes. It aims to ensure people have faster access to more appropriate, targeted and personalised care, without necessarily having to attend emergency care or GP appointments.

Support offered:

We worked with the NHS Personalised Care team to support in the design and development of the new NHS @home programme, which aims at supporting care providers to deliver care in more patient-centric ways, through the use of remote devices and technologies. As part of our work, we undertook a programme mapping analysis, developed evaluation frameworks and facilitated a number of strategic workshops with pilot sites.

Outcomes achieved:

Our work helped the NHS @home programme to develop strategic outcomes for the programme, align with different NHSE/I programmes, and get access to an evaluation grant.


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