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Catch up on our webinar: Levelling Up Must Mean Levelling Down Antisocial Behaviour

Catch up on our webinar on Levelling Up Must Mean Levelling Down Antisocial Behaviour. This webinar was held on Wednesday 31st May.

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"If central government wants to level up local areas, it needs to address the issues that matter most to communities, including tackling crime and antisocial behaviour by investing in prevention."

So argues Mutual Ventures' Anya Kemble in this recent article.

Levelling up has been a flagship policy of multiple governments over recent years, each with multiple rounds of funding to local areas aimed at promoting economic growth and productivity, reducing inequality and regenerating communities. However, only an estimated 2% of total levelling-up funding is going on social infrastructure. The Government recently made a clear commitment to tackle anti-social behaviour in communities, launching its Antisocial Behaviour Action Plan. But much of the focus of this action plan is on punishment of those committing antisocial behaviour, rather than prevention and addressing causes of antisocial behaviour. Can we truly level up areas without investing in social infrastructure? And how does levelling up offer a unique opportunity to prevent antisocial behaviour and crime? In this webinar, Mutual Ventures' Chief Executive Andrew Laird was joined by Senior Consultant Anya Kemble, with expert input from:

  • Adam Hawksbee, Deputy Director at think tank, Onward

  • Kathy McArdle, Service Director Regeneration and Culture at Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council

If you would like to discuss this topic in more detail, contact or


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