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Public Services


High quality public services, connected to their users, is what makes strong and resilient communities.


But our public services are under pressure.


Demand is rising. Focus is on crisis rather than prevention. Public servants feel undervalued. And people are pessimistic about the future.


In a General Election year, it is time to stand up for public services.


During 2024 we will explore six priorities for reform.


Each month we will take a deep dive into one area, sharing insights and real-life examples through a series of interactive webinars, thought-provoking articles and podcasts. 

1. System and Place Leadership

Trusting local leaders is the best way to improve services

2. Children's Health

More effective local partnerships can reduce inequalities in children's health

3. Regional working in children's services

Regional collaboration can improve outcomes for children and families

4. Artificial Intelligence

Values-based application of AI can transform users experience of public services

5. Cooperative delivery of public services

Cooperative principles can shape new service models that are more connected to communities

6. Relationship between central and local government

A 'reset' in the relationship between central and local government can improve policy implementation 


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To find out more about Prioritising Public Services get in touch with MV's Assistant Director John Copps.

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