Sue Pritchard, Chief Executive, Food, Farming and Countryside Commission
This episode is all about food and farming. Sue Pritchard is the Chief Executive of the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission. The FFCC started life as a classic “Commission” with a start and end point but has evolved into a sustainable standalone charity focused on ensuring decision makers understand the issues facing farmers post Brexit.
Sue does a great job of explaining the current situation in the UK including how self-sufficient (or not) we are as a nation, our reliance on “ultra processed” food and global commoditisation of food which is limiting the sustainability and resilience of our food supply chain, limiting biodiversity and driving the climate crisis. Food is something most of us take for granted – but we really shouldn’t. This is a crash course in what you need to know.
The challenges facing the rural economy are substantial – did you know that nearly half of all farmers earn less than £20k a year? The image of a rich farmer in the Range Rover does not represent the majority.
Sue and I also discuss what a better future might look like with the idea of sustainable 15-minute communities playing a key role.
On a lighter note, I think we get to the bottom of where Jeremy Clarkson got the idea for his “Clarkson’s Farm” TV show from.
I learned more from this conversation than I think I have from any other episode. I hope you enjoy it and learn from it as I did.